Headphones aren’t exactly breaching the mainstream market nowadays. Usually, companies that produce high quality headphones are often glossed over by bigger companies that feature devices, which are more flash. This is why it can be a competitive market when it comes to the different headphones you can purchase, but that’s a good thing because you get to choose from a large pool of devices. Of course, there are some headphones that are suited to certain jobs so the thing you really have to look out for is your need as opposed to how much over the budget you can go. The AKG K240 semi-open studio Headphones offer a lot of different qualities, but again, you have to gauge what you need out of a pair.
The Sound
The first thing you’re going to notice when you plug these babies in is that some part of the music you listen to become more emphasized. That underlying track you might have missed with your old pair, is suddenly out in the open, and playing with the main instruments. This is the best part about the headphones because K240 brings out features in your music. The downfall here is that the pair doesn’t do much to punch up your music. Everything sounds very balanced, but in turn, you’ll have to sacrifice volume and details on each of the songs in your library. When switching to games, you can instantly hear stuff, which is right behind you brought to the foreground. While this isn’t a negative, this sacrifice of spatial audio makes a game feel like it is lacking that surround sound element. This pair is not for people that need to mix tracks because you’re going to miss one or two qualities along the way.
The Headphones
Upon opening the box, you’re going to notice two different pairs of two different tools. First off, you get two pairs of head pads with varying levels of softness. The pre-installed pair is a tad softer than the ones in the box, but having the opting to switch out between either is an awesome feature. The second thing is that you will also get two different pairs of cords. The one attached will be around 3m, and the second will be 5m but extends with the help of a corded section. Overall, these two different accessories justifies the $100-$130 price tag (depending on the store you’re buying them from), and will probably be beneficial in the long run.
Should you buy this set?
At the price of $140, you can find other headphones that do a lot more in terms of sound quality. While this pair is very decent, they are a bit entry level in comparison to other headphones in the same price bracket. However, for the home body that likes a well rounded sound experience and a pair of headphones that won’t soon break, the K240 is a great choice. It features a balanced experienced, and the semi-open set allows for enough enjoyment so that you won’t end regretting the buy. Music mixers, and those that have to work with high quality, will inevitably find this set lacking.
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