AKG K 701 Headphones Review

AKG K 701Audiophiles are always sticklers for awesome sound quality. Often, you’ll find them with two or even three different pairs of headphones or earphones. Each of those pieces offer a different kind of experience for different kinds of platforms. This is why getting an audiophile to buy different types of gear can be hard sell because each of them have different kinds of preferences when it comes to sound. As a beginner, you can’t simply ask them for advice because you’re going to come up with six different opinions which company makes the best pair. This is where subjective tastes come into play, so in the end, you might have to try out many different kind to find the one you want. Of course, there are certain companies that try their best to appeal to everyone, and if you’re still wondering just who to turn to, maybe you should be giving the AKG 701 a spin.


The Sound

AKG is a company that is well known for a lot of things. First off, a lot of their line up features softer bass in favor of higher degrees balance and volume. The second factor you’ll need to know is that their headphones often come with a second cord that extends a little longer. In both of these respects, the AKG701 tries something new. The bass quality in these headphones is very evident and it is now brought out into the foreground. Once you play an electronic track with a bass emphasis, you’ll notice immediately it bursts clear into your head and rattles your skull a little. In fact, every other frequency is also emphasized with these pairs, and this is even more noticeable when you start putting on your lossless tracks. This is isn’t by accident, as the AKG701 headphones are designed to pick apart and emphasize each track you push through it. This makes every element in any song you play easy to hear and to notice, but with that in mind, the sacrifice is the balance. However, this makes the AKG701 an excellent choice for those that want to analyze every song they’ve ever heard.

The Headphones

It’s a shame that AKG has removed the secondary cable in this package, but that’s understandable considering the default cord is long enough. Extending at around 3m, you can still enjoy all your tracks on a comfortable chair, which is reasonably distanced, from your computer. The headphones themselves provide a decent amount of noise suppression, and doesn’t leak sound at all. To top that off, they are also quite comfortable, and the adjustable rim can help you fit in the perfect direction. The pair cups your ears quite snugly, but it never applies too much pressure.

Should you buy this set?

While the AKG 701s don’t come cheap, the $300 price tag is really justified. You can use this pair for almost any kind of activity as the highly detailed, but picked apart, sound really makes this pair a cut above the other in its price bracket. If you’re an amateur audiophile looking for a great pair of headphones and money is no object, there’s no way you should be passing up the AKG 701s.

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